Friday, June 8, 2012

Meeting June 14th, Kalaheo

Aloha Kakou,
     We will have our next meeting in Kalaheo at the Waxman's. We will have a tour including mature  clove, nutmeg, mangosteen, durian and other exotics-many of which were planted by fruit specialist, Dr Townsend 25+ years ago. Our member David Whatmore will be on hand to talk about that, since he helped plant some of the trees and was a good friend of Dr Townsend (deceased).  We will also be hearing from Todd Oldham who is starting a fruit juice company based here on Kauai and would like to get a better idea of what fruits can be supplied, and introduce his ideas for feedback. We also will be discussing the issue of the postage overage the state level folks incurred and what, if anything we might be inclined to send to help out-basically, when receiving some free cuttings/scion wood from UC Davis, our Executive Director was told they could also be sent potted already, and assumed the added expense was negligible since our close contacts there didn't mention otherwise-oops! So, we can briefly discuss that, and bring it to a vote by our paid members.
     It is tricky to get to the meeting place which is on Kikala road in Kalaheo.    Because it's a little tricky getting there we will be caravanning from Kauai Nursery and Landscaping departing at 4:30.
     As usual, feel free to bring trees to share,fruit related pupus or other, and we will have cold water provided. Look forward to seeing everyone there!

ps call if you get lost-though I will have to hand the phone over to someone who knows that area!